Student Writing Gallery

Recent work from 826DC authors

Every workshop, writing lab, and residency is an opportunity for students to share what matters most to them! Here’s a brief selection of what they have to say.

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This is Utopia, the city of peace. Utopia has everything you would ever want in a “perfect world” There is no trash, everyone is peaceful, there’s no violence, the list goes on and on.

By: Jaylen, Grade 6
Read more about Untitled

After-School Writing Lab on Pandas

When the giant pandas left the National Zoo, 826DC shared panda-themed writing prompts with AWL. Here’s what they wrote!

By: Idris, Samara, Sy, Pearl, Leo, and Ruby, Grades 1-5
Read more about After-School Writing Lab on Pandas

The Myth of How We Have Emotions

Once upon a time when the earth was still, ice tigers roamed the earth. At the time, earth was just a cold giant rock. The ice tigers showed no emotion on their faces. Suddenly, ice catfish came around the corner to where the ice tigers were gathered. Ice catfish was a good friend of theirs. […]

By: Tao, age 11
Read more about The Myth of How We Have Emotions

Advice to the Past

The advice I would give isto end segregation because it’s not fair. Also not to cheat on tests.

By: Yoanabel, Grade 3
Read more about Advice to the Past

Birds in the City

We hear birds in the city. A bird chirps when singing a song. When birds chirp, it is harmony. El sonido de los pájaros es el sonido de la naturaleza.

By: 826DC "The Thing with Feathers" Summer Workshop, 2018, Grades 2-7
Read more about Birds in the City

Letter to an Alien Pen Pal

Dear Geeblegorp, How are you? We are so excited to be your new pen pals from Earth!

By: 826DC After-School Writing Lab Students
Read more about Letter to an Alien Pen Pal

Pine and Willow with the Bullies

In the beginning, there was a little tree called Willow. He lived in a park near a little pond with other trees. One day, the trees started picking on him because he was different. One of the trees said, “Why are you sad?” Willow said, “Because you are teasing me.” There was another tree named […]

By: Sebastian, Grade 3
Read more about Pine and Willow with the Bullies

Jack and the Two Bullies

In Tampa, Florida, there was a daffodil named Jack.

By: Landon, Grade 3
Read more about Jack and the Two Bullies

The History of the Musical Genre Go-Go

If you stand on any corner in our nation’s capital, close your eyes and listen to your heartbeat. You will feel the blend of funk, rhythm and blues, and old school hip-hop…the pulse of Go-Go.

By: E'Niya, Grade 7
Read more about The History of the Musical Genre Go-Go

The Galaxy of Earth: Full of Joy

Black hole, dots, colors. White dots with blue scribbles it’s like a spinning circle. A galaxy, it’s oval and colorful, tastes like yogurt and feels like a foggy day. It smells like air or sugar. It smells like cake. Active and excited Happy, happiness Small. Full of joy. It’s like a fruit salad, a unicorn, […]

By: Students from 826DC's "ReWrite the Stars" Space Writing Camp
Read more about The Galaxy of Earth: Full of Joy

Leighton 2

Love is a fallacy Ethos is credible I like eating Girls like me He is weird Too much food Only 12 Not funny   These all describe me I’m Leighton

By: Leighton, Grade 7
Read more about Leighton 2

Good Hope

In the grass A brass band Plays I’m kneeling And I hear the music singing From my hand.

By: Abner, Grade 4
Read more about Good Hope