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December 2024

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Writing?

Pencil and paper

826DC students and staff shared their favorite parts of the writing experience and what it can do! Check out what they had to say:

“My favorite thing about writing is when I write I let my imagination go wild, and I write whatever I think.” -Leo, age 6.5

“My favorite thing about writing is that it can do anything. It can create worlds. I like how writing can make people feel.” -Ella, age 12

“I like writing because it allows me time to articulate my thoughts precisely.” -Griffin, 826DC intern

“My favorite thing about writing is writing about the topics I like.” -Marcel, age 9

“My favorite thing about writing is that the words I put together come from me.” -Abby Araujo, 826DC Senior Operations Manager

“My favorite thing about writing is that even if you have a bad day, you can just pick up a pencil, write a story that you create, and make it how you think it should be.” -Sofia, age 11

“My favorite thing about writing is that it helps me process and figure out how I feel about the changing world around me.” -Charlotte, 826DC intern

“My favorite thing about writing is it makes me calm.” -Sy, age 8

“My favorite thing about writing is definitely not the hand cramps.” -Cristina, age 10

“I love how writing lets you keep a moment for later.” -Sarah Richman, 826DC Associate Director of Communications and Development

“My favorite thing about writing is making stuff up.” -Dakoda, age 8

“My favorite thing about writing is that I get to share my mind with the world, taking my thoughts and what matters to me and figuring out how to communicate them in impactful ways.” -Robyn Lingo, 826DC Executive Director

“My favorite thing about writing is the freedom you have; like you can write anything.” – Imogen, age 9

What’s your favorite thing about writing?

There’s always more to learn—and to love—about writing! 826DC is proud to explore writing with nearly 2,000 students every year. If you’d like to help, consider donating to sustain our work or becoming an 826DC volunteer.