Come play ping-pong or pickleball at the Paddlestar Galactica tournament, 826DC’s largest fundraiser of the year! Learn more and sign up here.
News and Events
May 2019

#ThirtybyJuneThirty Summer Challenge

826DC is trying to raise $30K by June 30, 2019 to help fund all of our free writing programs for DC students, including this year’s 826DC Summer Camp!

Students will enjoy two incredible weeks full of writing and learning about conservation ethics and how we can all help protect the Earth’s natural resources. The experience will also include fun, educational field trips to local gems like Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens and Common Good City Farm, among other places!

Donations of all sizes will help us reach our goal, making magic happen for DC students this summer and all year long.

Will you help us meet the #ThirtybyJuneThirty Summer Challenge?

[upgm type=’progressbar’ unit=’currency’ symbol=’$’ total=’30000′ current=’35995′ color=’#831268′]

Show your support for DC’s youngest earth scientists and storytellers by donating here.

[bctt tweet=”Let’s help @826dc meet the #ThirtybyJuneThirty Summer Challenge, raising $30K by June 30 to support their free writing programs for DC students!” via=”no”]