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News and Events
August 2019

Our Moonshot

Across DC and the country, nonprofits are being considered for the Fordham-CAP “Moonshot for Kids” project. We’re proud to be one of them.

Reading fluently offers young people the chance to understand the world. Writing fluently offers young people the chance to fully engage with the world: to share their perspectives, to advocate for themselves, and to make a change.

Both are critical, but writing education is often overlooked, with limited investment in the strategy, resources, and tools that educators need to make meaningful writing instruction happen.

That’s where organizations like 826DC come in.

Since 2008, we’ve brought Common Core-aligned curricula, trained teaching artists, and publication opportunities to classrooms throughout DC to ensure that all students throughout our city become proficient writers.

We’ve served nearly 20,000 DC students so far—and that’s just the beginning. You could say that our moonshot, so to speak, is to make the DMV a national model for writing education!

Here are just some of the things we’re planning:

–One-day workshops throughout the DMV for eighth grade ELA classes, led by national education thought leaders, 826DC staff, and teachers;

–Best practice writing workshops in local partner schools, grounded in 826 curricula; and

–An anthology of student writing from across the region.

Our nation’s young learners deserve the opportunity to write their own paths forward. Making that real will require moonshot ambition, out-of-this-world commitment, and all of the resources and educational know-how that 826DC brings to the table.

We’re thrilled to be in the running for this project and, as the school year draws closer, to continue making writing magic happen for more DC students.

Want to join 826DC in this work? Visit our Get Involved page to learn more about volunteering!