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News and Events
September 2021

Meet the Staff: Abby Araujo

Abby Araujo smiles at the camera

A warm welcome to Abby Araujo, 826DC’s new Program Administration Coordinator! She is taking on the operations side of 826DC’s programs; everything from onboarding our volunteer and interns to scheduling Field Trips and more.

We are so glad that Abby is here. She is an organized superstar with a heart of gold and an enduring commitment to education. We are lucky to have her on this team!

Check out this Q&A to get to know Abby a little better:

Name: Abby Araujo

Title: Program Administration Coordinator

Pronouns: She/her

Hometown: The Bronx, NYC

What drew you to 826DC?

It was 100% the mission. I feel like a lot of people underestimate the power and importance of writing, so being part of a team that focuses on supporting students with strengthening this skill seemed like the most natural thing to do.

What was your favorite book growing up, and why?

I would have to say The Magic School Bus series. They were fun and I learned things along the way.

If you were a magician, what would be your signature magic trick?

This is going to sound silly, but being able to snap my fingers and have anybody be at their favorite place for a while.

What inspired you to get involved with this kind of work, and why do you think it’s so important?

I’ve always liked writing. I was that kid who didn’t mind receiving feedback and re-writing something until I felt happy with it. And it’s not only about getting good grades in English class, everything we see and do is influenced by someone who put words on paper: books, shows, movies, music and menus at restaurants (the list goes on). Long story short, this work is what’s going to transform students into adults that can do anything that they put their mind to.