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News and Events
May 2020

Hey AmeriCorps VISTA Members, We’re Hiring!

We’re looking for two passionate, diligent, and thoughtful AmeriCorps VISTA members to join our team.

Check out the positions below! Individuals of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 826DC is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages persons of color, women-identifying persons, LGBTQIA persons, and persons with disabilities to apply for either position.

Volunteer Engagement Specialist VISTA

As Volunteer Engagement Specialist (VES) VISTA, you’d play a critical role here. You would create strategies and systems for implementing volunteer recruitment and retention efforts citywide, develop the organization’s University Engagement Program, and reimagine and execute volunteer training and engagement practices. 

This is an excellent opportunity to work closely with our Programs staff and Director of Education, contributing to a highly-impactful and imaginative mission here in the District.

You can see the full position description here.

Please send a resume and cover letter to no later than June 12th with the subject line “Volunteer Engagement Specialist” and complete the application directly via the Americorp VISTA listing.

Development Systems Specialist VISTA

As Development Systems Specialist VISTA, you would help make all of this work possible by supporting the Director of Advancement with grant writing, database management, funder relations, and more.

You’d get invaluable in-depth experience with all aspects of institutional relations from the ground up at an established nonprofit!

You can see the full position description here and apply here.

Decisions for this position will be made by July 3rd.