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News and Events
May 2017

Help Kickstart Our Newest Project

**UPDATE: As of May 25, you can schedule your gift in advance of Do More 24. Save yourself the trouble later and donate now to 826DC’s campaign**

Every day across our programs, we see promise in our students. They envision new worlds (made of candy) and write powerful poetry about the rapidly changing city they call home. Despite their passion for writing, many will face challenges and barriers to success. One thing we can do with your support is provide the individualized attention they need to take their writing to new levels, allowing them to develop lifelong skills.

Do More 24 is a 24-hour fundraiser for nonprofits in our region hosted by United Way NCA. This year it falls on Thursday, June 8. Our goal? To establish a new “Young Writer in Residence” program at 826DC. Your donations during Do More 24 will support individualized mentorship opportunities for a promising young writer in our community, like Chidinma (below) and other students whose work with us was recently featured on NPR.


So how can you help?

  • 1. Schedule your gift on or before the big day (June 8) at this link.
  • 2. Tell your friends about your plans to support 826DC’s efforts (click to Tweet below)
  • 3. Attend our Do More 24 kickoff event with Story District on June 7
[bctt tweet=”Excited to support @826DC for #DoMore24 on June 8! They need help starting a Young Writer in Residence program.” username=””]

Kickoff event details:
Story District and 826DC have decided to join forces this year as we prepare for Do More 24. Join us for drinks and a special edition of our monthly lowercase reading at Petworth Citizen to kick off this 24-hour celebration of local impact. Come learn how you can #DoMore to support the literary arts in our community, starting with a pledge to support your favorite nonprofit on June 8 during Do More 24.
June 7


About Story District:
Story District’s mission is to turn good stories into great performances, to be a platform for diverse perspectives, and to serve as a pipeline and training ground for new voices and talent in storytelling.  Named the “gold standard” in storytelling by the Washington Post and nominated for the 2012 DC Mayor’s Arts Awards for Innovation in the Arts, Story District reaches an audience of more than 10,000 annually through the production of more than 25 performances, ongoing adult education classes, and custom trainings and performances for businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies. They value storytelling as a space for people to listen and be heard, connect with others, embrace different perspectives, examine their own lives, and explore what it means to be human.