This summer, the Walking Gemstones Summer Writing Intensive Class of 2018 created and published “Life in the City: Past, Present, and Future.” The book reflects a two-week intellectual journey full of wild animals, towering buildings, urban gardens, and sprawling maps.
Together, these young scientists and authors recorded messy bubble lab results. They investigated exhibits along museum corridors. They crafted how-to guides for airplane engineering and, most importantly, they helped each other refine and polish each writing piece in this book.
The following lines were pulled from the pages of “Life in the City: Past, Present, and Future.”
“My garden will be in the Philippines. I will plant potatoes, tomatoes, sunflowers, dandelions, and radishes. I want a scarecrow. And I want a chicken.”
“Dinosaurs have been revived and they can shoot lava.”
-Auden, “100 Years from Now”
“I have fur
I never purr
I only yell”
-Julianne, “A Fox’s Life: Persona Poem”
“My body may be small
but my wings are big”
-Elisha, “My Life as a Chimney Swift”