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News and Events
July 2018

Community Partners Spotlight: Sacred Heart & Mt. Pleasant Library

Here at 826DC, we know that it takes a village to help our students grow. We partner with other community-based organizations throughout the year to create a support network for our students wherever they might go in the District. This month, we’re taking some time to shout out a few of the organizations who help make our work so successful.

Mt. Pleasant Public Library, for whom we’ve done a shoutout before, is one of our oldest partnerships. Throughout the year, we offer programming in the library and invite children from all around the Columbia Heights and Mt. Pleasant neighborhoods to attend.

Recently, D’Real, 826DC’s Community Engagement Manager, led a found poetry workshop at Sacred Heart School in Columbia Heights. Mt. Pleasant Public Library helped organize the event, secured the space, and invited students to participate. Around 25 elementary and middle school students took part in the workshop, where they learned about poetic form, did generative writing exercises, and learned to look for poetry in the words they encounter on a daily basis.

Students wrote their own found poems, utilizing the words from other poets

We had a great time at Sacred Heart and we want to thank the school, as well as Mt. Pleasant Public Library, for continuing to work with us to serve so many young authors.