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News and Events
September 2016

A Series of Spectacular Halloween Events

From paranormal-inspired poetry, to (not too) scary stories, to in-house card tricks, we’ve got your Halloween season covered. Make sure to stop by our store this month for a range of family friendly and adults only events that are sure to get you in the right spirit, plus a SALE ON COSTUMES!

Halloween Store Events

Ouija Poetry Night (ages 18+)
Thursday, October 13, 6:30-8pm

Whether you consider it a harmless party game or a device for communicating with the other side, you probably haven’t tried using it to write poetry. Come celebrate the end of Mercury in retrograde with a night of quick-fire writing influenced by the paranormal. BYO Ouija board or purchase one of our limited edition, hand-crafted boards that benefit 826DC.

Tivoli’s Scary Stories (ages 6-12) 
Saturdays, October 15 & October 29, 11am-12pm

Free family fun! Join us for an afternoon of scary (but not too scary) stories at Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply. Shop for costumes while we read classics like Poe’s “Tell Tale Heart” and new favorites like “The Hairy Toe.”

Card Magic with Phil Amazing Telfeyan (ages 15+)
Thursday, October 20, 6:30-8pm

Join 826DC in welcoming Phil Amazing Telfeyan for our first ever in-house magic show at Tivoli’s Astounding Magic Supply! Enjoy refreshments, special sales on costumes, Halloween-themed products, and more.

Phil Amazing Telfeyan (perhaps better known by his stage name, “Phil”) was born and raised in Sacramento, California, where he was exposed to magic at an early age through a variety of inexplicable conflicts with school teachers, principals, and other authority figures.  Miraculously, Phil escaped each of these encounters unscathed and has gone on to become the world’s most talented, funniest, best looking, and only charity magician.

As a charity magician, Phil only performs for charitable causes and never charges for his magical wonders.  He is a student of card magic, and he makes a special effort to personalize his tricks to match both his own demeanor and the enjoyment of his audience.

When Phil is not performing magic, he volunteers at a food kitchen, mentors high schools students, and enjoys nature.  He is employed at a local Washington non-profit called Equal Justice Under Law, which provides free legal services to victims of wealth-based discrimination.