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News and Events
January 2019

We’re Hiring: Special Projects Associate

Join our growing team! 826DC seeks a thoughtful, visionary youth development professional to serve as our Special Projects Associate (SPA) to help support our grant-funded programming initiatives in 2019.

This individual will be tasked with leading the expansion of 826DC’s visiting authors program, working with the Executive Director and Programs staff to purchase and distribute relevant literature across programs, supporting the design and execution of 826DC’s two-week summer writing workshop, working with the In-School Programs Manager to develop relevant in-school writing workshops, and completing other duties as assigned within the scope of special projects.

This is a temporary, part-time contract position for 30 hours per week, beginning in early February 2019 and concluding on September 30th, 2019.

See full position details here.

Interested in this position?

Please send a cover letter and resume to with the subject line “826DC Special Projects Associate” by January 25th, 2019. We will reach out to selected candidates in late January to coordinate interviews. No phone calls, please.

Individuals of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 826DC is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer, and strongly encourages persons of color, women-identifying persons, LGBTQIA persons, and persons with disabilities to apply for this contract position.