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News and Events
June 2016

Welcome Summer Interns!

This Summer we are joined by eight magical interns from all parts of the world. Austin Elias-de Jesus and Maddie Lemelin are supporting Communications and Julia Gangemi has come aboard to assist with Development. Our new Programming interns are Avery Finkel, Dominique Montiel, Jenna Rieden, Simone Robins, and Charlotte Smith. Please join us in welcoming this talented crew!

The team is already enjoying all of the learning experiences that come with working with young authors. As Dominique put it, “I’m able to appreciate all of their different backgrounds.” Avery agreed, saying “What’s great about this internship is being able to work with students that I likely would not have interacted with otherwise.” Charlotte told us she especially enjoys copy-editing memoirs by students from Cardozo High School that illustrate the realities of the immigrant experience here in DC. As for the Communications piece, “it’s a great opportunity to share the incredible work 826DC is doing” said Maddie.

Considering the busy Summer ahead, we feel extremely lucky to have this group with us. Welcome, all!