Come support our students at “Dear Adult,” a special 826DC performance taking place at Arena Stage on March 1st at 5:30pm! RSVP for your free ticket here.
News and Events
March 2020

826DC Could Use Your Support Right Now.

An empty 826DC Writing Center

With coronavirus concerns impacting how so many people volunteer, connect, and give, it’s a pretty tough time to be a smaller nonprofit.

We know that when DC students return to their classrooms, there will be an even greater need for thoughtful, relevant, and imaginative programs that inspire them to learn and help them express how they feel. That’s why 826DC is working hard to ensure that our summer programs will be the best we’ve ever offered. Young people deserve to have their social-emotional and academic needs met, and the dedicated time and space to explore what matters to them.

In the meantime, we’re in touch with our students’ families and teachers to make sure that they have what they need to stay inspired and keep creating outside of the 826DC writing lab. We’re also continuing the publishing projects that they started with us in the Fall. Stay tuned for an upcoming collection by seventh-grade journalists! We can’t wait to share it with you.

Great things are ahead—we just need some extra help now to make sure that everything can really happen.

Here are three ways to do that:

1) Donate

An 826DC student writes in the writing center

This is the simplest, fastest way to make more possible here.

Give Today

2) Support a Paddlestar Galactica player/team

Giving to 826DC through a Paddlestar Galactica fundraising page won’t just help fund our upcoming programs—it will also give that player or team an extra boost at the District’s best/weirdest ping-pong tournament.

Boost a Player or Team

3) Share this ask

The legendary Mr. Rogers encouraged people to “look for the helpers” in times like these.

See below for ways to reach out to the helpers—and potential helpers—in your life.

Set Up a Facebook Fundraiser

Email and Ask a Friend